Spring – Our Season of Change

Welcome back to a new four part blog series. This week we are talking Spring and how to make fresh changes easily in our homes. Back in December we discussed enjoying retail therapy at home for free and moving our homes around to suit the season.
Spring is the season of new life, change and rejuvenation, so it’s perfect for us to start this year by allowing these spring vibes into our homes. Bringing the outside in has never been more important and our 2021 colour palette trends are colours from nature. They are earthy, natural and up-lifting.
Here are the Pantone 2021 colours of the year, ‘Ultimate Gray’ and ‘Illuminating’ yellow. Along with 2021 trends of inky dark blues with pale pinks and greens.

This year we also see a change in focus of shapes, in accessories and furniture to being more rounded and having curves. These shapes create more of an ‘embracing’ feeling. Our homes are our sanctuary so comfort and cosiness are paramount. Colours of nature are grounding, empowering and confidence building, so using these colours is perfect for every room in our homes and in our gardens. They are so invigorating for our everyday busy lives!!

This year sees a revival in prints for both soft furnishings and wallpapers. Vintage prints your Granny may have had are very much the focus, this look is known as Granny-chic or Cottagecore. It’s a great time to hunt through the old linen cupboards to discover, revive and mix together these beautiful prints.
In this image below, we have been shown an example of how vintage prints can be used in a more modern home, and the stunning effect they can create when mixed with colour.
The look created is relaxed and versatile, you could simply be in a well loved family front room or in an eclectic wine bar in London! You can really get creative with this scheme and the more you mix in, the better!
So how can we bring a fresh spring feel into our homes now, before thinking about redecorating?
It’s time to take a moment and think about every room in your home, especially your main living areas, like our front rooms.
The cold winter season is over and our needs have now changed, so lets get the chunky fur throws and heavy velvet cushions vacuum bagged away! Once these more sumptuous fabrics have been stored, this makes way for lighter textures like linens and cottons which are more suitable to the season. Vacuuming away allows you to save space in storage, but also by investing in a few key seasonal pieces for each season means you have your staples ready to go for the next time round! when the autumn returns you can unpack these warmer items and accessories for your home and it will feel freshly styled all over again having spent little money.
The pictures below show accessorising of a winter shelf vs. a fresh spring restyle.

Also, autumnal decorative items and log buckets for fires can be moved away to declutter our space. This allows room for a fresh, spring restyle including more space for house plants.
Clearing and decluttering your home for spring is very invigorating, and the motivation it gives you often gets you thinking more creatively about your storage solutions and what you would like to be seen in your home.
Having plants in our homes is incredibly important. During spring they are all sprouting new life and they create a refreshing feel to any room, as well as having a positive effect on our wellbeing. Many people this year are focusing on new ways to embrace bringing the outdoors in… can you?
There are plenty of ways to home house plants, for example in pots on shelves, hanging in baskets with the use of wall hooks or even from curtain poles. Air plants like Spanish Moss can even be hung from a small picture hook or just laid across books on a shelf. Back in November 2020, Claire Parkin and I wrote two great blogs about the power of plants in interior design, and how we can all benefit from and include them in whatever type of home we have,

“Spring brings life to everything. It shares with us the crisp fresh air and warm bright Sun, and this sun shines across the green fields illuminated with yellow daffodils. It brings out the flower buds and all the baby animals, Spring is natures motivation for a better year.
“Let this Spring be your best Spring!”
Pop over now to Claire Parkin, where Claire continues the discussion in her blog on Spring home styling.
See you next week where we will be discussing styling our outside spaces!